From the 2003 Waterford Township Master Plan:

"Gateway to Waterford"

The purpose and intent of the Gateway Overlay is to provide flexibility in locating an innovative mixture of land uses on the properties located around four of the major gateways leading into Waterford: the intersections of M-59 and Telegraph Road, M-59 and Williams Lake Road, Williams Lake Road and Cooley Lake Road,
and Dixie Highway and Telegraph Road. The allowance for flexibility should be tied to requirements that provide for an enhancement of the aesthetic quality of structural and landscape design of the designated gateway areas. This overlay designation has been placed over the areas of the Township shown on Map 14. The regulations governing this overlay shall be applied on a parcel-by-parcel basis for each project submitted within this designation, based on a proposed land use that the Township determines would enhance the gateway areas through the application of the development criteria created for such uses.

The criteria that should be utilized in the evaluation of a proposed development on a specific property shall include, but not be limited to, the following items:
* The application and promotion of innovative design principles.
* The application of a balanced mixture of land uses, including residential.
* The improvement of non-motorized transportation infrastructure.
* The application of traffic calming measures.
* The management of storm water.
* The provision of emergency vehicle access.

To enhance the economic development of these areas, incentives for developers to utilize this overlay district may include variations of the zoning regulations that would typically govern the subject property. The variations could include density bonuses, reduced setbacks, area coverage, and increased height limitations.

Waterford Township
Oakland County